Tuesday, 3 February 2015

Morgan the puppy.

My puppy arrived three weeks ago from today, so he is 9 weeks old by the time I'm writing this.
My brothers and I always wanted a dog, and we had like two but one was stolen the first week we got it, and the other one was given to my brother with some sickness that he just lasted a day...
Now that one of my brothers is not longer living with us and the other one travels a lot because of his job, life decided to give us a puppy.
My dad's assistant offer him a puppy from his dog and he knew how much we wanted it, so he say yes.
A few years back, my mom was super picky and she was always cleaning, she was a psycho, but she has changed because really, I never in my life would imagined my neat, tidy mom to hug a dog and give kisses to it.
So yeah, he finally arrived and we (well, actually me) decided to call him Morgan, like Morgan Freeman, because that man is great and his voice too.

The first 3 days were pretty difficult, her cheeks were always wet and he wasn't playing at all when Pitbull puppies are known for biting everything.
It was hard for me too, I never had to take care of other living being, especially a baby, I had such bad anxiety that I literally was nervous all the time and I would cried because I was feeling with a lot of pressure, I even couldn't sleep well.
My entire family were and are so helpful, they never leave the responsibility of Morgan just to me but I'm crazy, and sometimes you can't control anxiety.

Then he started being happy and I started being happy too.
We all love him a lot, seriously, I never imagined my mom being so lovely with a dog, I'm telling you!

Morgan is growing up like crazy. We bought him this blue sweater for the cold weather and it was fitting him perfect, two weeks later and he wears it like a crop top, what a fashionista!
Mom and I look at him and feel sad, we want to keep him little forever, because I swear everyday I see him even bigger, and he's my baby, moms don't want their babies to grow up.

Like I said, this is my first pet, the other two came when I was a kiddo so I don't remember much, I would really appreciate if you guys know about puppys, specially Pit Bulls, to share some tips. 

Thanks for reading, Morgan appreciates it. 

Sunday, 18 January 2015

You getting to know me

I think is time for me to let the world know who I am.... well at least you, the one amazing creature that is paying attention to my blog, thanks person, thanks a lot.

I don't have any idea of where to start because all I can think of is that no one here in the Internet really cares about me, but I'm doing it and I can't think of something else to write... sorry but that's the truth.

- Alright, as you can see in the image above, you'll notice that because of my factions and hair/eyes color I'm pretty much Latin American, more precisely, Mexican.
- I'm a proud Mexican, let me tell you, and yes I live in Mexico.
- I've been studying English since kinder garden, but I wasn't good at it, until middle school.
- I know the tiniest amount of Italian, and I can sing the alphabet in french, yeahhh mee!
- Recently I got a puppy, his name is Morgan, like Morgan Freeman.
- I used to see myself as a youtuber, I never imagined that I'd be doing this blogging thing.
- I still want to make youtube but I don't have the courage.
- I'm ridiculously short, 1.53 cm is not good at all.
- People think I'm 15, when actually I'm 17.
- I love films and all the stuff behind a movie.
- I can't decide if I want to study cinematography or graphic design.
- For a long time I told my parents that I wasn't going to university, and I mean it.
- I love acting, a lot. 
- Old guys are my not so guilty pleasure. I don't really like boys my age that much.
- I sounded so creepy but I bet you prefer older boys too. 
- This may seem vain. I think I'm a mature teen. I mean, I can act like an idiot sometimes but my thoughts and decisions are somehow clever.

That's a lot, and probably you don't care that much, but oh well, I want you to know who you are reading so it doesn't feel that weird.

Friday, 2 January 2015

Cheesy New Year

"This will be my year"
"Everything it's gonna change"
"I'm gonna be better"
I have been reading negative things about what the new year was going to bring, more specific, those types of comments about losing weight in 2015 and being a nicer person. Everyone is like "you will go to the gym and you will quit at the next week".

New Year is cheesy, but it give us hope, hope for a better life, most of the times.
It's cheesy but I personally think that it's brilliant. We are humans, sometimes we need to feel that we can change, and yes you could change even on the middle of November, but again, most of us like cheesy, cliche stuff, (even hipsters love something mainstream, they do but they won't tell you).

Hope is the last thing to die. I'm an example because every year I'm like "this year a boy is going to be interested in me" and well, that didn't happen yet but it will, it has to happen because I can't be single for the rest of my life, I hope... I mean, I'm not that bad looking.

So, Dear 2015, I'm excited for you, because this is a new beginning and who cares if I'll be single until 2025, I'm all about making my life as worth it as possible, saying goodbye to the good and bad memories of last year and make new ones, and I sound hella cheesy but whatever, because I like that, I like cheesy resolutions that promise that we can be whoever we want to be, I like to be cheesy sometimes and make myself feel better and actually try to be better.

Go ahead and be cheesy, and hang your resolutions in the wall, go to the gym for a week and brag about it, eat your salad and then go home to eat chocolates too, do what makes you happy and what it's going to make your year priceless.

Okay, that's all, bye.

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